This book was found in a secret room inside the hidden shrine of Justicia, in the underground river level of the dungeons under Castle Whiterock. It's a large, leather-bound tome, containing a cloth-of-gold bookmark that was placed about one third of the way into the book. The entire book is handwritten, in Celestial. All but the last page are written in a pleasant, curving script. The last page is written in a different hand, spiky. The last two-thirds of the book are blank.
Title: "Testimony of the Order’s Investigation of Castle Whiterock and Efforts to Slay the Wyrm Benthosruthsa"
Section One: "The Call to Muster" This describes the Order of the Sundered Scale, a group of six holy warriors of Justicia dedicated to killing evil dragons, based in Galaron (the capital of the Kingdom of Morrain, about 250 miles northwest of Cillamar).
The commander of the Order was Knight-Commander Usila Fairglade, a half-elven female. The Order's wizard was Knight-Arcanist Argent Theophal, a human male. Their cleric was Knight-Chaplain Benden Talbusk, a human male. Other members were Knights Lorio Ranither (a halfling male), Ancival Dupre (a human male), and Felgin Forgefire (a dwarf male).
The order was engaged in their usual business of researching dragons and planning trips to faraway dragon lairs, when a woman calling herself Lady Chauntessa approached them with apparent proof that the great red dragon Benthosruthsa (who had destroyed Cillamar almost 300 years previously and had not been seen since) was still alive, and living deep under Castle Whiterock. Chauntessa challenged them to slay Benthosruthsa. They didn't have to be asked twice.
Section Two: "Knowing Thine Enemy" Gives background information on Benthosruthsa. He is supposedly directly descended from the noble red dragon line of the mythical Sunscratch. His sire was Vaulnox of Ul Dominor (slain, 2829). His brother Dorvenruthsa (cross-referencing Lord Mirias Stormwarden) and is son Pyraxus of the Trolltooth Peaks are thought to still be active. There are several accounts of Benthosruthsa's almost total destruction of Cillamar, 289 years before the book was written. It was done quite methodically and skilfully: first the large siege engines were destroyed, then the wizards and archers were picked off, then the rest of the defenseless town was razed.
Section Three: "Assayance of Castle Whiterock" This gives a level-by-level description of major factions within Castle Whiterock and the dungeons beneath, as of about 30 years ago when the book was written.
Ground level: goblins and hobgoblins of the Twisted Tooth tribe
First level: orcs of the White Talon tribe
Second level: orcs of the White Talon tribe
Third level: orcs of the White Talon tribe
Fourth level: troglodytes, ruled by a Evil Cleric of the Toad-Fiend Bobulbubilz
Fifth level: underground river, secret Fane of Justicia placed here as a base
Sixth level: huge cavern, featuring a pyramid (unexplored)
Seventh level: Bleak Theater, an evil arena run by Duergar and Drow
Eighth level: Narborg, fortress of the duergar Thane Vejik
Ninth level: lower levels of Narborg
Tenth level: Burning Maze (?)
Eleventh level: Benthosruthsa's Lair (?)
Section Four: "Progress of the Mission" This gives a history of the quest to slay Benthosrushsa.
The Order of the Sundered Scale defeated the goblins and orcs, fought the troglodytes and toad-cultists to a draw, found another entrance to the dungeon on the fourth level, then decided to build the Hidden Fane of Justicia to serve as a base deeper in the dungeon so they wouldn't have to constantly fight their way past the troglodytes and any other monsters that invaded the upper levels. After completing the Fane they fought their way through the Bleak Theater and down into Narborg but were repulsed.
The Fane contains a Basin of Cleansing that can convert water to holy water, convert holy water to healing potions, and (with a sufficiently large gift left for Justicia) even raise the dead. It has one-way doors that can only be opened by a good believer with a holy symbol of Justicia, and so should be safe from invasion.
The Thane Vejik is a tough opponent, with many duergar mercenaries. Worse, he figured out that the Order was there, and started sending assassins. Finally, a duergar deserter named Vinfol came to the Order, saying he wanted to renounce evil and worship Justicia, and that he could help them defeat the Thane.
The last page of the journal is in a different hand, Talbusk's. Vinfol was lying. He told the Order of a chance to kill the Thane, but it was an ambush, by the Pack of the Night Wolf, and five of the six paladins were killed. Talbusk was the sole survivor. He escaped, then recovered the bones of his companions. But he does not have the means to bring them back to life, yet. He needs to kill the Thane, then sacrifice the Thane's treasure to the Basin of Cleansing to persuade Justicia to raise his companions from the dead, so they can continue exploring past Narborg and find and kill Benthosrushsa.
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