
DF Whiterock Session 101: Cillamar Interlude




Hot, humid

Player Characters:

Elias (Wiggles), Wood Elf Cleric, 436 points
Garreth (Zuljita), Half-Orc Fighter, 500 points
Ibizaber (Demented Avenger), Human Thief, 500 points
Polly (Kalzazz), Wood Elf Archer, 494 points
Seépravir (Archon Shiva), High Elf Wizard, 501 points

Significant NPCs:

Chauntessa, Silver Dragon Innkeeper
Agmenalious, Sleeping Silver Dragon
Scalemar, Dragon-Slaying sword
Lama of Elyr, Human Cleric
Quintus, Human Alchemist
Alrux, Dwarf Armorer
Urgus, Dwarf Enchanter
Tyber Lasir, Half-Elf Armorer
Lowrek, Stone Giant Leader
Fjorjek, Stone Giant Corpse
Several Young Stone Giants
Lord Jor of Kilia, Castellan of Cillamar

We started in town, after the PCs had defeated Thane Hrolad or Narborg and the Wall of Darkness, and dragged a bunch of treasure back (ncluding a couple of cursed items that required Apportation.)  Seépravir cast Analyze Magic a lot and determined that the Crown of Narborg was powerful but permanently cursed and very evil, and that Koborth's broadsword was powerfully enchanted to kill dragons.

One of the Inn of the Slumbering Drake's serving girls approached Zaber and said that Lady Chauntessa needed to meet with him and his friends.  When he gathered the group, Chauntessa joined them in a private booth and asked if they heard anything about the Sleep of Ages spell.  She revealed that this had become more urgent, because the victim of the spell was having health problems.

The PCs got upset about how Chauntessa never told them anything and demanded more information, so she told them that the victim was her husband, and the spell was cast by Benthosruthsa's Lamia girlfriend Hasna'azhar.  Garreth asked for more information on her husband, so she revealed that his name was Agmenalious and he tangled with the wrong dragon and got put to sleep permanently for it, and that only the caster of the spell could reveal the way to dispel it without killing the victim.

At this point the PCs tried to get Chauntessa to come help them kill Benthosruthsa, but she revealed that she can't leave her husband's side.  Seépravir then suggested bringing him along, but Chauntessa was afraid he would not survive being moved.

Chauntessa revealed that at the bottom of the chasm in front of Narborg was the entrance to the Demonhold, which could be bypassed, because the stairs down to the Burning Maze above Benthosruthsa's lair were behind the now-destroyed Wall of Darkness.  She also revealed that the Burning Maze was very hot, and handed over two Salamander Amulets.

Garreth demanded being able to see Chauntessa's husband.  She agreed to take him into her private rooms.  Seépravir cast Soul Rider so she could watch as well.  In a secret closet off Chauntessa's bedroom was a narrow bed with an old man with a long mustache and beard lying on it, asleep.  His skin looked rather jaundiced.  Garreth tried Chi Medicine and agreed that he was magically asleep and his organs were failing.

Garreth and Chauntessa returned to the others, who started asking how to take a Lamia alive.  Chauntessa suggested Charming her.  Garreth suggested the Spellseal Ring.  They resumed asking for more information.  Chauntessa revealed that she couldn't scry the Burning Maze, so hadn't actually seen Benthosruthsa in years, though she had noticed a huge black pudding from the Underdark going down the stairs into the Maze.

The PCs tried to get Chauntessa to give them all her magic items, but she refused.  Garreth then said he needed to go look for his mask and new sword.  At that, Koborth's sword Scalemar started vibrating, and told him that no other sword was as good at killing dragons, but maybe the other sword could be used for breaking down doors or killing kobolds.  Garreth said that he needed a two-handed sword.  Scalemar sent a suggestion that needing two hands to swing a sword wasn't very manly.

Garreth noticed that Scalemar's pommel looked like a giant tooth.  Polly pulled out her shark tooth to compare, but Scalemar's was bigger.  Seépravir thought it might be a dragon tooth.  Chauntessa said "Oh, that's a gold."  Garreth asked what the name of the Inn was before she bought it, and she said it used be be called the Famished Vagabond Inn.  Seépravir pointed out that there were no black gems on the sword, and Scalemar immediately agreed and told Garreth that they needed to kill a black dragon.  Garreth asked Scalemar what it knew about Chauntessa, and it replied "Silver, not evil.  We only kill evil dragons."  Garreth revealed Chauntessa's dragon status to the others, though it took Polly a while to understand.

Scalemar vibrated and then told Garreth it was sorry but it couldn't get any longer, but maybe if it killed a dragon then it would be able to.  Garreth decided to go talk to the enchanter and the smith to see if they could do anything.  Chauntessa excused herself to go scry for assassins.

Just then a young cleric of Elyr walked into the Inn looking for Elias.  He informed him that they had heard the Crown of Narborg had been found, and the Lama of Elyr would like to destroy it.  Elias, half-listening, was casting Bless +2 on his companions.  When he was done, they brought the crown to the Lama.  The Lama was very pleased and said they could have any cleric spell they wanted in reward.  Seépravir pushed for an even stronger Bless, but Garreth suggested they Resurrect a stone giant.

Seépravir walked over to Quintus's tower and placed an order for a huge number of potions.  He asked them to get him the poison sacs from the giant lizards they killed.  The others went to Alrux's shop.  Garreth's sword was ready, as was his face mask.  When Garreth started swinging his new sword around and complimenting it, Scalemar started vibrating again, and said that Garreth should get Scalemar enlarged and then break the other sword in half.  Garreth asked if Alrux could extend Scalemar, but he said that he didn't do magic so Urgus would have to be involved.

Garreth went to Seépravir's tower, where Urgus was working.  Urgus was able to identify Scalemar by sight, and said that it was a legend, and asked if he could have one of Benthos's teeth.  Garreth asked Urgus if Scalemar could be extended without wrecking the magic, and Urgus said maybe, but to fetch Alrux and some alcohol so they could discuss it in detail.  Urgus said he'd also need a couple of wizard assistants, like Seépravir and Quintus.  They agreed to do the work in exchange for the Thane's Rod of Lordly Might for Alrux, and half ownership of the enchantment laboratory in Seépravir's tower for Urgus.  After much enchanting and smithing, Scalemar was extended into a bastard sword, without destroying its magic.

Meanwhile, Polly went to Tyber Lasir's shop to try to get one of her bows restrung to super-strength.  After some back and forth and burning a strength potion to show exactly how heavy it needed to be, he was able to begin the work.

While the wizards and armorer were still working, Garreth and Polly and Zaber went back to Castle Whiterock to see the storm giants.  They made it to the Immense Cavern (though it was a slow trip because they had to walk and boat rather than fly), then showed the Thane's head to the stone giants.  They were able to convince Lowrek, the leader of the giants, to carry the body of the giant that the Thane had had murdered back to Cillamar for resurrection.  (Garreth tried to get the giants to haul loot back as well, but the bridge to Narborg had been destroyed and they were lacking a way to fly, so that didn't work.)  But they did manage to haul the body of Fjorjek to just outside the walls of Cillamar.  At that point, the town guards got a bit nervous at the idea of several stone giants near their town, so they stayed outside, until someone fetched the Lama and a couple of other priests and priestesses of Elyr.  They formed some kind of prayer circle for a while, and then Fjorjek stood up, alive again.  Zaber went and bought some beer for the giants from several establishments in Cillamar, and then the giants headed back to Whiterock.

Next Garreth and Zaber and Polly dressed up in their fancy clothes and tried getting an audience with the Patriarch.  He was not available, but they got an appointment with his Castellan instead.  They showed Lord Jor the Thane's head, but he said he couldn't tell one bald dwarf head from another one, but that Chauntessa had told him they were legitimate.  He handed Garreth a writ granting him the right to buy and sell new and used armor in town, saying one of the armorers had been complaining about unlicensed armorers dumping too much used duergar armor.  He also said that if they were going after Benthosruthsa, the town needed to get its siege weapons ready to be prepared to repel an angry dragon if they failed.  So, don't fail.

That was the end of the session.

GM's Comments:

Since it was the PC's first time in town in forever, they decided to spend the whole session in town, except for a little side trip to get the stone giants.  The net result was one extended sword, one resurrected stone giant, some light shopping, and a whole lot of information from Chauntessa.  Maybe next time something more exciting will happen.

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