
Religion in Arden Vul

Someone else already really nicely summarized the religions of the Arden Vul setting on worldanvil , so I'm going to link to theirs rather than making another one.

(If the link goes dead, let me know and I'll make a full page.)

There are only four full temples staffed by full clerics in Gosterwick (the closest town to Arden Vul, about a half-day's walk depending on how much you're carrying and how wounded you are).  If you think you might need clerical assistance in a hurry, you might want to focus on:

  • Demma (goddess of fertility and crops)
  • Heschius Ban (god of power; there's no alignment in GURPS but I hear disturbing things)
  • Lucreon (god of wealth and merchants)
  • Mitra (god of justice and contracts and defending the weak and paladins)

Gosterwick also features some small volunteer-run shrines to the other six major Archontean gods, some of the Archontean minor gods, and a few Thorcin gods.  These are nice if you're studying basic comparative theology, but not so great if you need a Cure Disease.

The larger town of Newmarket another three days to the south has temples to all of The Ten major Archontean gods, several of The Seventeen minor Archontean gods, most of the Thorcin pantheon, and the Wiskin god Odin.

Note that even though The Twelve are listed at the top of the page, they are no longer sponsored by the Empire and no longer have many worshippers.  Worship of Set is actually illegal, and Horus is presumed dead and is apparently no longer handing out spells to his few remaining clerics.  So PC clerics should not pick them, unless they want to Fast-Talk the GM into letting them pay for an Unusual Background.

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